On 9 Nov 2004 at 17:56, Didier McGillis codesmoker-at-hotmail.com wrote:

> You have to configure IE6 to know what svg is and how to display it.

Thanks for your reply ..

I tried to explain in my post that SVG files (stand alone) 
display <absolutely fine> in IE 6 ..  no problems there .. 

IE 6 just does not display JSP 2.0 rendered jspx.svg .. as in the JSP 2.0 SVG 
example in Tomcat

perhaps you can help by explaining <how> to setup IE 6 to display that 
particular textRotate.jspx.svg 
extension  .. without the file download prompt? 

In my post I included the SVG file type configuration I am using.

and/or .. confirm that <you> can see the JSP 2.0 SVG example content in IE 6 .. 
see links in 
my post .. and I'll take it from there if you confirm that it works for you?

here is the localhost link again .. JSP 2.0 SVG Example .. open in IE 6 ..


thanks for your interest ..


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