Hi Peter,

Your *application* is "LearningTree" so all class files go into LearningTree/WEB-INF/classes

HWS is just a directory. If you want HelloWorldServlet to display there as well you'll need to configure a

<servlet-mapping> in web.xml with <url-pattern>/HWS/</url-pattern>


Peter Fogg wrote:

Trying to learn how to develop applications in JSP and servlets. Using Tomcat 5.0.28 on Mac OS X v10.3.5.

In web-apps directory created subdirectory LearningTree.
Created and compiled a servlet HelloWorldServlet.class in the LearningTree directory.
Moved the class to the LearningTree/WEB-INF/classes directory.
Created the web.xml file with <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> sections.
Set the <url-pattern> to "/".
Started Tomcat
http://8080/LearningTree/HelloWorldServlet works.
Stopped Tomcat.

Created a subdirectory, HWS, of LearningTree directory.
Moved the HelloWorldServlet.fava file into the HWS directory.
Moved the above WEB-INF directory into the HWS directory.
Started Tomcat.
http://8080/LearningTree/HWS/HelloWorldServlet does not work - resource not available.

Also, can someone point me to a clear and concise explanation of the <url-pattern> issue?

Thanks in advance for any help offered.


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