First get familiar with Tomcat, its very daunting of a task connection apache and tomcat with mod_jk2, but not impossible. Use tomcat standalone, the one guy had a pretty straightforward and easy way of doing it, after you get :8080/test/ working you can move to serving over port 80 with Tomcat, then if you want to dive in and do apache+tomcat+mod_jk2 I would suggest you look at these places.

there are more, many more. start slow, nothing more frustrating then getting something to work and then doing 30 steps and retrying and seeing it not working. do one thing at a time, there isnt a whole lot of steps.

good luck, and if you get stuck dont hesitate to search the archives and see how many of us were in your shoes.

From: Ken Keefe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please help...
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 14:14:17 -0600

I have been struggling with Tomcat for several days and I am at the end
of my rope. If I come across as irritated, I apologize in advance.

I simply want to learn how to write JSP. I have a book and I want to
start working through it, but I am having trouble setting up a server to
serve JSP. I currently run Apache to serve HTML and PHP. Ideally, I'd
simply like Apache to start recognizing JSP and handling it
appropriately. Unfortunately that seems to not be an easy task... I have
tried using mod_jk to connect Tomcat and Apache, with no luck.

I finally gave up on trying to use Apache and I was just going to keep
them separate. Now, how do I tell Tomcat to serve my jsp files??? I
tried using the manager web program to add an application pointing to
the correct directory, it accepts the command, but nothing is added to
the application list and it doesn't serve the content like I expected it

Finally I said screw it, I'll simply put my experiment files in the
document root of Tomcat and use that for now. Still no luck, it serves
up the same default stuff, even when I rename the file.

My environment is the following: Fedora Core 2, Apache 2.0.51, Tomcat
5.5.4, JDK 1.5.0.

Ideally I'd like to do what I talked about earlier, having Apache
"automagically" know what to do with *.jsp files. However, I'll take
what I can get!

Thank you very much in advance. I can't explain how damned aggravating
this whole thing has been.


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