On Sunday 14 November 2004 17:16, George Sexton wrote:
> Here is a wrapper that I use to start tomcat for remote debugging
> with Eclipse. Note that the indented CATALINA_OPTS is actually one
> long line in the batch file.

Thanks! that was easier than I expected.

I'm starting Tomcat from an ant file like this:

  <property name="tomcat.java_opts"  value="-Duser.language=en 
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -enableassertions -Xdebug -Xnoagent 

  <target name="tomcat.start"
   description="Start Tomcat server">
    <exec executable="${tomcat.home}/bin/startup.sh" 
      <env key="JAVA_OPTS" value="${tomcat.java_opts}"/>


Michael Schuerig                       Face reality and stare it down
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        --Jethro Tull, Silver River Turning

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