Oh, I wanted to add this.  I get this in the error_log on the Apache side:

[Wed Nov 17 17:42:45 2004] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:45 2004] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:45 2004] [error] mod_jk child init 1 0
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:45 2004] [notice] Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) mod_jk2/2.0.2 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] channelSocket.open() connect failed localhost:8009 146 Connection refused
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] ajp13.connect() failed ajp13:localhost:45009
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] ajp13.service() failed to connect endpoint errno=146 Connection refused
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] ajp13.service() Error forwarding ajp13:localhost:45009 1 1
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] lb.service() worker failed 120000 for ajp13:localhost:45009
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] channelSocket.open() connect failed localhost:8009 146 Connection refused
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] ajp13.connect() failed ajp13:localhost:45009
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] ajp13.service() failed to connect endpoint errno=146 Connection refused
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] ajp13.service() Error forwarding ajp13:localhost:45009 1 1
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] lb.service() worker failed 120000 for ajp13:localhost:45009
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] lb_worker.service() all workers in error or disabled state
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to tomcat 120000

I this line of the error log, it appears that jk2_mod on the Apache side is trying to use port 8009, but my workers2.properties specifically says to use port 45009. Then it tries port 45009 which also fails.
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] channelSocket.open() connect failed localhost:8009 146 Connection refused

Just currious, what does the 120000 mean in this line?
[Wed Nov 17 17:42:52 2004] [error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to tomcat 120000


Troy Simpson wrote:

In this example, I'm using: Tomcat 5.0.19 Apache 2.0.52 Sun Solaris 8 jk2 2.0.4 (i think)

My jk2.properties contains only this one line:

And apache and tomcat appears to be working just fine without a problem. So I was wondering, is jk2.properties even used for setting channelSocket.port, etc?

Here are what the other configuration files look like:
<Server port="48005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0">

   <!-- Used by Manager webapp -->
   <Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
     description="User database that can be updated and saved">
   <ResourceParams name="UserDatabase">

 <Service name="Catalina">
   <!-- HTTP CoyoteConnector -->
   <Connector address="" port="8081" />

   <!-- This is here for compatibility only, not required -->
   <Connector address="" port="7999" protocol="AJP/1.3" />

   <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
     <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" />

     <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
            resourceName="UserDatabase" />

     <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" />

# workers2.properties

# Shared memory handling. Needs to be set.
info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess servers

# TCP socket
info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

# Announce a "status" worker
info=Status worker. Displays runtime information.


# Uri mapping
info=Map to Luna Insight Media Manager.

# Uri mapping
info=Map to Luna Insight BrowserInsight.


-- Troy Simpson Applications Analyst/Programmer, OCPDBA, MCSE, SCSA North Carolina State University Libraries Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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