On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 01:25:27PM -0000, Chris Chappell wrote:
: Thanks QM but I' still not sure what to do!

Please trust me, it's all in the spec...

: In my web.xml I have for example  (standard stuff!)
: <servlet>
: <servlet-name>Config</servlet-name>
: <servlet-class>org.myorg.config.Config</servlet-class>
: </servlet>
: with a mapping and security contraint.

It helps to show the entire file, since that's the root of the problem.

: I have searched throught the web.xml options below and cannot work out which
: one for static html pages.

Try to think outside the box: are you trying to protect "static html
pages" or just "certain regions (URIs) of the site?"

Hint: you can map <security-constraint> to plain old URIs, not just
servlet classes.  Take a close look at the <url-pattern> tag...



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