Wendy Smoak wrote:

From: "Simon Tardell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to deploy multiple instances of the same webapp, with different
authorization rules. However, declarative security is done in the
web.xml of which there will only be one copy (referred by multiple

I'm confused by why you say there's only one copy of web.xml. In addition
to the global web.xml, I also have one for each context. Is there a reason
why you can't do whatever you're trying to do in the web.xml that lives in
.../webapps/yourContext/WEB-INF/ ?

I was confused too. I was under (the wrong) impression that the war-files were not expanded. They are (but only if unpackWARs is true for the host) . So, assuming unpackWARs is true, after deploying, I can edit the web.xml. However this bothers me because of three reasons: 1/ It is not persistent. If I upgrade the web app, the old web.xml is replaced, along with the rest of the old version of the web app (correct?). This is a problem if we are talking security constraints. 2/ There is a time window during which a web app is open until I have edited the web.xml (assuming that the default of the web app is to have no constraints). 3/ In the scenario where more than one webapp make upp a website security constraints have to be specified in more than one place. It'd be handy to be able to specify at the host level that all URLs hierarchically under /foo/bar are protected this way and all under /baz some other way regardless of how many webapps that are mounted under each namespace.

So, to rephrase my question, how would I go about specifying security constraints on the host level from the outside of any webapp? It is probably easier than I think.


Simon Tardell, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +46 70 3198319

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