I would be very careful using tomcat for 'High-Performance' internet applications.
You will need to disable keepalives - or use some form of keep-alive proxy to stop tomcat
creating too many connections.

How many simultaneous users are you planning on having? What operating system are you planning
on using - With linux, make sure you use the new threading library - (NPTL).

Be careful with the ORB you choose, (should you be using an application server) as it to
can create way tooo many threads.

Thousands of request/ sec means that you will probably need to have your data in RAM -
you may find it difficult to find a database/ filesystem that can deliver you the data quickly
enough - would need to know more about the applications.

Do not underestimate the problems with keepalives and number of connections/ threads.



Al Gidden wrote:

We have three Tomcat systems in front of a large database.
We use JMeter to test our site, and have pushed each system
with 1000 requests per minute and not noticed any problems at all.
Our servers only have one processor and 1GB of RAM.
The only time we start to see any performance issues is due to the size of the database pool and the responsiveness of the DB connections under extreme load.

Your code and the Tomcat config can all effect your performance.
In our case, it took a year for us to get our code cleaned up and
have enough benchmarks to know we made solid configuration changes for the
sake of scalability.

Best of luck to you,
Al G

----- Original Message -----
From: LAM Kwun Wa Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, November 22, 2004 4:55 am
Subject: high traffic Tomcat sites out there?

For my Tomcat cluster I'm looking for an upper limit on the estimation of
how much traffic it may face. Say, would thousands of HTTP req/s be too
'astronomical' for a 4-node Dual P4 Xeon cluster to achieve? (I'm talkingabout dynamic pages such as stock quotes and news)

Does anyone know of any high traffic JSP/servlet sites(running Tomcat or
similar servlet container)? I'm mostly interested to know what's the
typical "magnitude" of their HTTP throughput (e.g. hundreds or thousandsof HTTP/s) and what kinds of apps are they running.

Joseph Lam

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