
I'm certainly no expert but I've been playing with this stuff a while and
I find the free netbeans IDE to be an excellent environment for learning
this stuff. It come with a copy of tomcat built into it so you can debug
your servlet from within the IDE. With the click of a buton it will
generate a skeleton servlet that does nothing except print hello world and
then you can set breakpoints in the code and debug it and watch it execute
one line at a time. I don't know how people survive without such a tool.
Eclipse is another IDE people think highly of but I'm not familiar with
it. Check out netbeans at

I'd stick with version 3.6 for now
good luck


> After a few years of trying on and off I've finally managed to make a
> servlet work in Tomcat (4.1).
> I had to add:
>   <servlet>
>     <servlet-name>StudioSearch</servlet-name>
>     <servlet-class>StudioSearch</servlet-class>
>   </servlet>
>   <servlet-mapping>
>     <servlet-name>invoker</servlet-name>
>     <url-pattern>/servlet/*</url-pattern>
>   </servlet-mapping>
> to webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml. (No one had ever said before about the
> servlet-mapping directive.). I'll install it in a better location when
> its working, I'm just using the root webapp for debugging.
> So now I need to try and make my servlet work. Obviously there are lots
> of bugs in the Java code itself but I wonder if anyone could suggest a
> good way of testing servlet code? ATM, I have to compile the servlet,
> copy it to the classes directory, restart Tomcat (which takes several
> minutes) and read the Tomcat logs to find out whats gone wrong!
> Nightmare! <:-o
> How do people who know what they're doing go about debugging servlets?
> Thanks in advance,
> Richard
> --
>   Richard Lewis
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