
This is probably quite a simple question but I couldn't find an answer
in the archives:

I'm writing a servlet to perform a little search on my website. The
servlet is compiled and is in a directory structure like this:

   +-- index.html   (provides a form to do a test search)
   +-- WEB-INF/
        +-- web.xml   (see below)
        +-- classes/
             +-- uk/
                  +-- ac/
                       +-- uea/
                            +-- studios/
                                 +-- StudioSearch.class
                                 +-- StudioSearch.java

web.xml looks like this:

When I visit: http://localhost:8080/StudioSearch/ I get the index page
as expected. This page has a <form> element where the action is
"studio-search" but when I submit this form I get the following error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error allocating a servlet instance
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: uk/ac/uea/studios/StudioSearch (wrong
name: StudioSearch)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:539)

I've checked all the spelling and case and that I'm not using '.class'
(the StudioSearch.java file isn't confusing it, is it?) but I can't seem
to make it work. (I know the servlet class itself works because I've
executed it Tomcat's ROOT webapp.)

Any ideas?

  Richard Lewis

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