
Well you are one of those asking about logging. Don't get overly exited about 
the logging detail I have added to the logging page. The kind of logging you 
are attempting to do I believe you are confused about (i may be wrong). You are 
setting up logging from *within* Tomcat. This will tell you very little about 
your web application. If the type of logging you are referring to is the old 
localhost_log style logging, this will be stdout you need. In any case, here is 
the HTML.

  <section name="Introduction">
                Tomcat 5.5 uses Commons Logging throughout its internal code 
allowing the               developer to choose a logging configuration that 
suits their needs, e.g
                JDK Logging or log4j. Commons Logging provides Tomcat the 
ability to log
                hierarchially across various log levels without needing to rely 
on a particular
                logging implementation. Commons Logging is therefore a bridge 
to other implementations.
                <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/";>Visit the 
Commons Logging project</a>
                for more information.
                An important consequence for Tomcat 5.5 is that the 
&lt;Logger&gt; element found in 
                previous versions to create a localhost_log, is no longer a 
valid nested element 
                of &lt;Context&gt;. Instead, stdout will collect runtime 
exceptions and other uncaught
                exception generated by web applications. If the developer 
wishes to collect detailed internal 
                Tomcat logging (i.e what is happening within the Tomcat 
engine), then they should configure 
                a logging system such as JDK Logging or log4j as detailed next.
                One note to point out is that currently, the log4j 
configuration will not function on
                Tomcat server startup, so JDK Logging is more reliable at this 
point. This is a known
                issue in the pipeline for fix.

  <section name="java.util.logging">
                In order to configure JDK logging you should have JDK 1.4+. 
Tomcat 5.5 is intended for
                JDK 5.0, but can be run on JDK 1.4 using a compatibility 
                In order to configure JDK Logging, you should find the JDK's 
logging.properties file. Check
                your JAVA_HOME environment setting to see which JDK Tomcat is 
using (or maybe JRE 5.0 as Tomcat
                can now run on a JRE from version 5.5). The file will be in 
                The default logging.properties specifies a ConsoleHandler for 
routing logging to stdout and
                also a FileHandler. A handler's log level threshold can be set 
                WARN, FINE, FINEST or ALL. The logging.properties shipped with 
JDK is set to INFO. You
                can also target specific packages to collect logging from and 
specify a level. Here is how
                you would set debugging from Tomcat. You would need to ensure 
the ConsoleHandler's level is also
                set to collect this threshold, so FINEST or ALL should be set.
        <p>A limitation of JDK Logging appears to be the inability to have 
per-web application logging, 
                as the configuration is per-VM. It is advisable to use log4j 
for per-web application logging
                as elabatorated on below.

  <section name="log4j">
      As mentioned, an known issue prevents this log4j configuration working 
propertly on Tomcat startup,
          but is known to work when combined with some actions, such as 
deployment of a WAR. It is
          provided for completeness.

                        Create a file called log4j.properties with the 
following content and save it into common/classes. 
                        Use the appropriate file path convention for your OS, 
here is is Windows, and example *nix path may be
                        log4j.rootLogger=debug, R
                        log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - 
                        log4j.logger.org.apache.catalina=DEBUG, R</source>
                <li>Acquire log4j1.2.8.jar and add it into Tomcat's common/lib 
                <li>Start Tomcat</li>

                This log4j configuration will set up a file called tomcat.log 
in your Tomcat logs folder with 
                a maximum file size of 500KB and up to 10 backups. DEBUG level 
is specified which will result 
                in the most verbose output from Tomcat. The above can generate 
in excess of 5MB of logging with 
                bundled web applications and Struts web applications.
                You can of course choose to be more picky about which packages 
to include in the logging as with
                the JDK Logging. For example try substituting the last line of 
the above configuration with one 
                of these:
                        <li>log4j.logger.org.apache.catalina.core=DEBUG, R</li>
  <section name="Conclusion">
                The usefulness of what you will find from internal Tomcat 
logging is debatable for web 
                applications. Unless a problem with Tomcat itself exists, it is 
probably not required. 
                It is much more common and recommended for web application 
themselves to be configured with
                a logging setup. In the case of JDK Logging, you could setup 
package loggers to collect logging
                from your own applications, e.g 
<code>com.mycomp.myapp.level=DEBUG</code>. In the case of log4j, a custom
                log4j.properties file would be placed into your web 
application's WEB-INF/classes folder and 
                log4j-1.2.8.jar into WEB-INF/lib and the log4j.properties file 
would setup a set of 
                (normally) file appenders to collect the logging, again with 
package level setup, e.g

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wouter De Vaal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 November 2004 14:54
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Tomcat Documentation Thoughts
> On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 09:44:00 -0500, Shapira, Yoav 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > >But you know, I submitted a logging page doc patch over a 
> week ago and
> > it's
> > >still not there, and since then there have been many posts 
> asking about
> > >this problem. I don't find that encouraging.
> > 
> Is this about my problem that I posted earlier today (tomcat 5.5.4 and
> log4j)? About the
> ...[host].[/] problem?
> If so, could you please post your fix on this to me or this list?
> Regards,
> Wouter de Vaal
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