hi all....

my apache error log file is showing
the error after 5 minutes..

[Thu Nov 25 15:29:14 2004] [error] Error ajp_process_callback - write failed
[Thu Nov 25 15:29:14 2004] [error] ajp13.service() ajpGetReply unrecoverable
error 3
[Thu Nov 25 15:29:14 2004] [error] ajp13.service() Error  forwarding
ajp13:localhost:8009 0 1
[Thu Nov 25 15:29:14 2004] [error] lb.service() worker failed
[Thu Nov 25 15:29:14 2004] [error] lb.service() unrecoverable error...
[Thu Nov 25 15:29:14 2004] [error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to
tomcat 120000

but as such there is no problem in working of server and the applications
are working fine
any clue



"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you
will make one"

-----Original Message-----
From: Quinton Delpeche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 3:39 PM
Subject: Tomcat 5 Dies...


I have now narrowed the problem down to the following:

WebappClassLoader: Failed to open JAR
java.util.zip.ZipException: Too many open files

So like what does this mean? I have and am busy googling... ...but I haven't
been successful just yet.

Quinton Delpeche
Internal Systems Developer
Softline VIP

Telephone: +27 12 420 7000
Direct:    +27 12 420 7007
Facsimile: +27 12 420 7344


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