On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 00:23, Lee Chin Khiong wrote:
> I'm using Tomcat 5, jdk1.5, running XP.
> This happen after a while and I didn't configure the memory, it's default.
Tomcat 5.5, I assume.

It could just be that your app needs more than the 64m than the JVM
initially allots for itself.  This is fairly common.

Follow Quinton Delpeche's instructions for configuring the memory and
watch your app over time with the manager tool.  

Just remember, the manager tool has limited value.  Because Java's
garbage collection (GC) doesn't run until the JVM see itself getting
close to running out of memory, the memory setting shown in the manager
will always climb, even if there isn't a problem. 

If you have a memory leak in your code, this will only postpone the
problem and it, eventually, will happen again, no matter how high you
set the memory settings.  

If the problem continues with more memory alloted, you may want to
invest in a profiler to see where it's going.

- Ben

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