Hi Chris,

That's a pretty general question.
It depends on what apps you are running. The number of users. Then there
could be various bottlenecks and memory leaks. 

I'm not sure if Tomcat 5 still have a memory leak but I recall other
people having problems in this area before. Why don't you go through the
performance section of the Tomcat documents and change the settings for
debugging, and servlet reloading that could affect performance. 
I'd still recommend getting a gig of memory. Especially with the raid
thing going on.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Cherrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 11:43 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat Requirements?

I have a client who is claiming that my software is slowing down. I
determine why this would be. He is running the following:

P3 - 450 with 360MB of RAM
with 2 IDE - 7200 RPM drives mirrored Raid 1 with Win2k

I have found that any client running a faster system works great. Do you
any suggestions as to how to speed things up on this hardware
example increase memory allocated to Tomcat.


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