
Thanks for giving me a place to start. I've had a half-our glance at the source code; let me know if I'm going in the right direction.

Doesn't this simply entail making sure that the ProxyDirContext resources object created in DefaultServlet has the correct file system root?

Would that have anything to do with the vPath of a wrapped ProxyDirContext?

I'll look into this more in a couple of days. (I've noticed that others have requested this same feature.)


Mark Thomas wrote:
From: Garret Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can't imagine why this wouldn't be a simple change to the Tomcat WebDAV code---probably just five or ten lines. You start with a file system base directory right? Just get it from the context parameter.

Not quite that simple ;)

I'll gladly take a look at the code---can you tell me where to start?


I'd be happy to look at anything you come up with.

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