In tomcat 4, I first created the following folder:


This folder is where the war and context file for the
application will be placed when deploying via ant or
maven using the manager.

Now, in the application's context.xml file, I set the
path to '/srv/stuff' and the docBase to the same.

Once deployed, the war and context files will be named
stuff.war and stuff.xml in the above directory.

Tomcat 5 works a bit differently. When the app is
deployed with the srv prefix, the war and context file
are renamed to srv#stuff.war and srv#stuff.xml after
deployment via maven (haven't tested ant yet, but
we're trying to phase it out as a deployment tool
anyway). Here is the problem:

2004-11-22 09:47:38 StandardContext[/manager]Manager:
install: Installing context configuration at
from 'jar:file:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/srv#stuff.war!/'
2004-11-22 09:47:38 StandardContext[/manager]Manager:
ManagerServlet.configure[file:$CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/${hostname}/srv#stuff.xml] no !/ in spec

I am assuming the problem is the # in the filename,
but I'm not sure.

I thought I found a workaround the other day. If I
just had maven build the war and then use the manager
html interface to deploy the war, it worked fine. The
files were in their place as stuff.xml and stuff.war.

But once I restarted tomcat, the manager list showed 2
apps deployed; /stuff and /srv/stuff, neither of which

I've tried several other configurations all with
varying levels of failure.

Any ideas?


--- QM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 09:36:28AM -0800, Dustin
> wrote:
> : For example, an app that
> : had a path of /stuff now has a path of /srv/stuff.
> : 
> : I was able to get it working in tomcat 4 (the
> solution
> : seemed like a hack to me tho), but I am having
> : problems getting it to work in tomcat 5.
> Perhaps you could share what you did in Tomcat 4,
> and what you've
> tried in v5..?  That might give the rest of us a
> head start.
> I don't have the time to try it here, but I suppose
> you've already
> tried a context path of "/srv/stuff" and that
> failed?
> -QM
> -- 
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