
While upgrading application servers from Tomcat 4.0.5 to Tomcat 5.0.29 I am 
noticing slower browser response when hitting the tomcat
5 servers.  

We use tomcat as an application server for a data collection application.  In 
one of our larger installs where there are 10
application servers, I have started upgrading to Tomcat 5 from Tomcat 4.0.5.  
All 10 application servers have identical
configuration (less disk space differences), 2x1.4GHz (SMP), Win2k, 2GB RAM.  
All 10 are running j2sdk 1.4.2_02.  Just off the cuff,
I'd say it's 15% slower than tomcat 4.0.5.  Watching CPU performance, the 
hardware is not being taxed on either the old version or
the new one, but the time for the browser to update is slower.  I'm fairly 
certain that the network is not a contributing factor as
all servers are on the same 1 GB backbone and I'm testing to the same endpoint 
over the internet.  The tomcat 5 install has no
special configuration, no session replication (I removed the balancer, ROOT and 
server web applications from the filesystem).

Anyone else seen this?  
Any ideas where to look?


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