
I'm using TC 5.0.28 running 3 WARs with  SingleSignOn feature.

I also have code that modify the user's timeout for authenticated users only. 
(Anonymous have 5 minutes and authenticated users have 1 hour). It has been 
worked for a year without problems!

Recently I'm getting short (5 minutes) timeouts when changing contexts even for 
authenticated users...Since we haven't modified our apps, the only suspect I 
could identify (so far) is our deployment schema - We've just changed our 
deployments from exploded files to 3 WAR files with pre-compiled jsps using the 
Tomcat Deployer...

Is there anyone with the same problem? Is it possible to get into timeout 
problems using WAR instead of files?

Thanks in advance...

Paulo Alvim
Powerlogic - Brazil

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