On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 05:56:15PM +0000, Brij Naald wrote:
: The filter I have now, always get called when there is an incoming request. 
: But when a servlet uses a requestdispatcher to include another servlet, the 
: filter doesn't get called.

This makes sense: filters are for external requests, not intra-container
requests.  This is why you can include() data or forward() to resources
that are otherwise protected from direct end-user requests (e.g. files
under WEB-INF).

: But what I need to get is:
: Request --> Filter -> Servlet1 -> Filter -> Servlet2

You may want to consider a high-level redesign, or at least change the
include() to an HTTP request in and of itself.

What's going on in your design that you require the filter to wrap the
inner (include()'d) request?  Storing/changing session objects?


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