Sounds like a DoS vulnerability and given the age of the software in question the best suggestion that can be offered would be to upgrade to a minimum of Tomcat 4.1.x and Apache 1.3.x, However, you would be better off going to Tomcat 5.0.28 and Apache 2.0.52.

If you are going to need to do some rework to your servlets to get them running under Tomcat 5 I would suggest that you focus on getting them working under Tomcat 5.5.x and Java 1.5


Dola Woolfe wrote:


I'm using Tomcat 3.4 (I think) with Apache 1.2x (I
think) and a mod_jk.dll.

When someone bombards my servlet from a WXP machine
then my Apache server stops responding to that machine
for about 5 minutes. During that span of time, going
to myserver:8080/mywebapp still works!

This does not happen when the bombardment takes place
from a W2K machine.

By bombardment I mean about 1000 sequential requests.

Any ideas on what is going on?

Thank you very much!

Dola Chin

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