I am on Tomcat 5.0.29.  Can you point me at some documentation on configuring 
it?  I'm not sure about the rotating... is that a configurable option? (I 
assume so).  The log I just looked as was almost 2GB, and I would assume it 
would rotate before them.  But, I have done quite a bit of configuring, so it's 
more than possible I changed the setting.

I know it's not good practice in general, but in our test environment that's 
the way some other folks here want it.  All error and debug info goes to our 
own application-level logs, but a lot of info-type messages show up in the 
Tomcat logs but NOT the app logs, and that's the way they want it (I think just 
to make it a little easier to look at the app log without going through all the 
"unimportant" messages).  Ah, no sense arguing what's good to do or not, this 
is the way it is in this case.
Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Thu, December 9, 2004 3:03 pm, Shapira, Yoav said:
> Hi,
>>Is it possible, and if so how, to limit the size of the tomcat_out.og
> file?
>>I have a development box that is running out of space sometimes because
> the
>>log grows rather large when a lot of users are testing.  Thanks all!
> What Tomcat versions are you using?
> Tomcat's Loggers (version 5.0 and earlier) automatically rotate, so you
> can have a script in place to delete old ones.  For Tomcat 5.5 and
> later, you configure the logging via log4j or JDK 1.4 logging, which
> both support various options to control/trim file size.
> It's not good logging practice to write everything to standard output.
> Ig that's what's happening, and that's why it's ending up in tomcat.log,
> you should change the apps at some points to use a proper logging
> framework like log4j.
> Finally, there are tools like cronolog and logrotate which can
> rotate/trim this file for you: they're free and easy to use, just Google
> for them.
> The other approach is holistic: either get more disk space (it's cheap),
> configure the logging differently when there are many users, or both.
> So there's a bunch of stuff you can and should do.  But Tomcat by itself
> doesn't provide much of it for you.  These are routine sysadmin tasks.
> Yoav Shapira http://www.yoavshapira.com
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