The documentation for setting up a logger for JK2 is below.  I've tried using 
logger.file and logger.win32 for my IIS configuration, but no luck.  Can 
someone please send the right configuration steps to configure JK2 logging with 
IIS?  I'm trying to locate a "bug" in JK (not present in JK2) by comparing logs 
as a first step.  Maybe I have a registry setting missing.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi 



Any connector based on jk2, at least has a default logger, that can be reached 
using the "logger" alias, the logger used is the more appropiate for the 
plataform/server combination, Apache2 under in any platform has logger.apache2 
as default, IIS on his only platform uses logger.win32, and Any apache 1 
install uses logger.file as default.., the config file lets you change that 
defaults, you can end using logger.file in IIs i.e

The properties shared by all loggers are: Property name Default Description 
level INFO Text of the log level. Strings supported: EMERG, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG 


Property name Default Description 
file ${serverRoot}/logs/jk2.log Log file. XXX you may be able to change this at 
runtime, to implement rolling.  


logger used in the IIS server by default, it ends at native Application Event 


Logger used in Apache2 servers, it normally in ends in error.log 

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