Well antiResourceLocking is not default anymore because you mainly
have this problem (in other words need to have this feature) under
windows platform with it's file locking... 
The anti resource and anti jar locking features are supposed to be
very powerfull and are ment to avoid such platform specific problems
but you have to pay a certain price for it...

May be it's possible to solve your propblem in more convinient way, as
I said I'm not the biggest expert over here.

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 14:44:04 -0600, Durham David R Jr Contr 805
> > I am not really an expert but I think it is beter if you modify
> > your application at another location and then redeploy it on
> > the server.
> I guess you're saying that this feature is mainly so that you can
> develop out of the same directory that tomcat is using as a docbase ...
> That would basically make the feature useless if it, in fact, does not
> pick up changes to that directory.    Redeploying, in a Tomcat sense of
> the word (restarting a context), does not make much sense.  I guess I'm
> still confused about the *real* purpose of this feature.
> - Dave

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