Simon MARTIN wrote:

I've integrated Tomcat successfully into Apache using mod_jk, but there's something I've found nothing about: forwarding *all* webapps with only one static statement in the configuration files.

I've thought about something like this:

JkMount /tomcat/* ajp13:*  (which of course is wrong I know)

You can use the mod_rewrite: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/tomcat/(.+)$ /$1 [R,L] JkMount /* ajp13

But this will map everything to the tomcat.

You can not do (for now):
/tomcat/examples/* -> /examples/*
and then back to:
/examples/* -> /tomcat/examples/*

This would require that mod_jk when forwarding the request
to Tomcat strips the '/tomcat' from the URL, and then
after receiving the response add the '/tomcat' prefix to
the url. Of course you will be forced to use only the
relative url's inside your application, so the usage
is dubious.


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