All the examples and archive messages that I have seen so far talk about
load balancing
using either multiple JVM's or Multiple <Connector> Directives with
different port numbers
and corrosponding workers in the file.

But they all use different Mount Moints for each worker !

However my need is to Load Balance a *SINGLE MOUNT POINT*
( A single Virtual Apache Host corrosponding to a <Host> (context) in
server.xml )

i.e I want*.jsp to be load balanced by 4 worker

I am currently using 4 JkMount Directives, and the server is up and running.
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /*.jsp Xajp13
JkMount /*.jsp Yajp13
JkMount /*.jsp Zajp13

Also if I name the workers ajp13a , ajp13b and ajp13c, apache does not start
and gives me an error
saying that it cannot find the workers file !!!

Anyway, my question are :-

1. Is this the right way to have a single mount point load balanced ?
2. If so, is it a good idea to run the tomcat instances in the same JVM ? Or
should I run multiple tomcat/JVM
    instances on the same / different servers ?

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