
I am currently using Apache httpd 2.0.52, Tomcat 5.0.28 and mod_jk2
configured with workers2.properties and so that tomcat can listen to
apache requests.  I want Apache httpd to serve static files and Tomcat
to serve dynamic files (ex. jsp's).

This all works fine if I have all dynamic files located on the url as

However, I cannot seem to get the dynamic files to work properly if I
want them to be at the same location on the url as the static files so
that www.mysite.com/file.jsp (served by Tomcat as requested by Apache
httpd) and www.mysite.com/index.htm (served by Apache httpd) coexist
without any problems.

I did come up with a config that works partially for jsps at
www.mysite.com/file.jsp but there are some problems.  This is the main

Eventhough I am able to access all the jsp page inside
CATALINA_HOME/webapp/home, I am no longer able to access any jsp page
inside other directory such as CATALINA_HOME/webapp/sample directory.

I have included all relevant config settings below this paragraph.
What can I do diffrently so that Apache can make a direct request to
both CATALINA_HOME/webapp/home and CATALINA_HOME/webapp/sample instead
of just one?  It seems to me that with my original setting (above
mentioned as www.mysite.com/home/file.jsp), requests from Apache will
start from CATALINA_HOME/webapp and start going through different
directory and display it through the url each time it enter a
subdirectory.  However, with my current setting, instead of starting
at CATALINA_HOME/webapp, I just start at CATALINA_HOME/webapp/home, so
eventhough I make a request from www.mysite.com, "home" does not show
up anymore, but that also makes it impossible to access files from a
directory such as CATALINA_HOME/webapp/sample.  What kind of
configuration do I need to make Apache access a jsp page from Tomcat
without showing up a long url path but instead just something like
www.mysite.com/file.jsp no matter which folder the jsp page is located
inside tomcat?

Here are the relevant config lines:

1)Inside server.xml, I enter the following:
     <Host name="www.home.net" debug="0"
              unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
             <Context path="" docBase="" debug="1"/>
             <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
              directory="logs"  prefix="home_access_log." suffix=".txt"
              pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>

     <Host name="www.root.net" debug="0"
             unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
             <Context path="" docBase="" debug="1"/>
             <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
              directory="logs"  prefix="cust2_log." suffix=".txt"
              pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>

2) Inside worker2.properties, I include the following:


3)  Inside httpd.conf, I include the following:
     DocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd-2.0.52/htdocs/www.mysite.com
     ServerName www.mysite.com
     <Location "/*.jsp">
             JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

If anybody knows of a great source of documentation on this I would
like to know. I have searched online and read through a lot of
documentation such as "Apache 2.0.43 - Tomcat 4.1.12 - jk2 - virtual
host HOWTO" at http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/jk2/jk2/printer/vhosthowto.html,
document about mod_jk2 at http://rimuhosting.com/mod_jk2.jsp and at
document about server.xml at
document about virtual host at
http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/core.html#virtualhost .

Thanks in advance for your help!

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