This is the old, buggy, code that ships with Tomcat.  You need to get the 
code from commons-daemon CVS HEAD if you want shutdowns (and restarts) to 
work properly.

"Wade Chandler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Trond G. Ziarkowski wrote:
>> Hi Wolfgang!
>>> by using signal 9 you give Tomcat no chance to perform any further 
>>> action. Maybe you omit -9 from your kill command.
>> Thanks for the tip. Tried it, but same results.
>> Trond
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> Hmmm.  Here is the source code of the jsvc-unix.c which is called upon a 
> signal.
> static void handler(int sig) {
>     switch (sig) {
>         case SIGTERM: {
>             log_debug("Caught SIGTERM: Scheduling a shutdown");
>             if (stopping==true) {
>                 log_error("Shutdown or reload already scheduled");
>             } else {
>                 stopping=true;
>             }
>             if (handler_trm!=NULL) (*handler_trm)(sig);
>             break;
>         }
>         case SIGINT: {
>             log_debug("Caught SIGINT: Scheduling a shutdown");
>             if (stopping==true) {
>                 log_error("Shutdown or reload already scheduled");
>             } else {
>                 stopping=true;
>             }
>             if (handler_int!=NULL) (*handler_int)(sig);
>             break;
>         }
>         case SIGHUP: {
>             log_debug("Caught SIGHUP: Scheduling a reload");
>             if (stopping==true) {
>                 log_error("Shutdown or reload already scheduled");
>             } else {
>                 stopping=true;
>                 doreload=true;
>             }
>             if (handler_hup!=NULL) (*handler_hup)(sig);
>             break;
>         }
>         default: {
>             log_debug("Caught unknown signal %d",sig);
>             break;
>         }
>     }
> }
> So, from the text I would assume SIGINT and SIGTERM should perform the 
> same shutdown behavior, but you can try to use
> kill -s SIGTERM pid
> or
> kill -s SIGINT pid
> and see what results you get.  If it isn't behaving correctly then you 
> need to maybe
> 1) You might want to make sure you don't have the serialization of session 
> turned off some it behaving correctly if you don't use jsvc?
> 2) You are using the right tomcat class to start it up...surely or you 
> should get an error....I would imagine .... maybe forget 
> this altogether.
> 3) You might want to search the tomcat source code for the Daemon 
> implementer class and locate the method stop to see if you can figure out 
> if it is being called.  It should be I would imagine since tomcat is 
> stopping, but if it is not, then I guess it's a Daemon/jsvc error and you 
> need to talk to that list. On another note same subject.....You can look 
> in the daemon src at the file <>/src/native/unix/native/java.c and you 
> could put some code into the java_stop function to see if you can figure 
> out if the function is going to call (through jni) the Daemon stop method 
> correctly or not.  REMEMBER: The Daemon startup code does not force the 
> class used as a Daemon to actually implemnt the interface through source 
> code, but the class can simply have the correct methods.....only know this 
> because of the source code not any docs....don't know if Tomcat does this 
> or not.
> 4) You might look in your jsvc error file...where ever you have put it and 
> look for the text 'Cannot stop daemon' or 'Cannot found Daemon Loader 
> "stop" entry point'....that mis type of Cannot really in the 
> logging of the 1.0 release source code.  Because even though you get this 
> text and tomcat goes away....the method to stop may not have been found 
> and the jsvc process is going to kill the JVM anyways.
> Hope some of that helps
> Wade 

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