The easiest thing to do is to create/add a filter for the webapps which perform the ACL controls you need.

For example: I have some utilities called servlet utils here:

The following example returns 403 for any request where the remoteaddress !=

      <param-value>Go away!</param-value>
    <param-value>${request.remoteAddress ne ''}</param-value>


Just inject the snippet above into your web.xml.


Jonck van der Kogel wrote:

This must get asked all the time, but I've searched very intently and have not been able to find how to do this.

What I would like, is that the only reachable context on my server is the production context. So let's say my domain is "", and my web-app can be reached at "", I would like the latter to be the only thing reachable. So if someone goes to "" they should not get anything returned. However, I would like these to be reachable for anyone on localhost.

Now the documentation tells me the way to do this is by adding a <Valve> element to a Context. The help I could find on the Internet is mostly for Tomcat 4.0 and there they refer to the contexts being located in server.xml. I'm using 5.0.28 however, and in the server.xml file there are no Context elements. I know the Contexts for the Manager and Admin app can be found at $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/ , so there I've added appropriate Valve elements to the manager and admin xml files. But I can't find the Contexts for the Welcome Page or the Examples.
Could someone please tell me how I restrict access the Welcome Page and the Examples?

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