I was wonder if I could have more than one "*|appBase|*" per host.
or what if I wanted my host to have more then one *|"appBase."  How
would I configure this or can it be configure at all???

May I could make two host with the same virtual host Name???????
<Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="/var/www/html/"
      unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" deployOnStartup="true"
      xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">


<Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="/home/*/public_html" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" deployOnStartup="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">


I know that my imagination is really out ther now!!!

Any comment is appreciated.

Thank you for your  time.


Dwayne A. Ghant
Application Developer
Temple University

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