Parsons Technical Services wrote:
Why is MS Web Folders doing this strange OPTIONS thing with "/" and ignoring my 401 Unauthorized HTTP response?

Did you close all IE windows prior to this last step? If not, then it never destroyed the session.

I have now---same result. (Why would I care if it had destroyed the session or not?)

As for the other, Google has several sites that simply say replace IE.

Good answer. I came up with that one a long time ago. But the problem goes beyond IE---Web Folders is the root problem, here. I know, replace the OS. While we're at it, I'd like to redesign HTTP... (Folding LWS? What were they thinking?) And WebDAV. (Did no one realize that "DAV:" is not a valid URI and therefore not a valid XML namespace? What were they thinking?) ;)

But past that there is one issue on M$ that has to do with the message you are getting from IE but doesn't match you setup. Might give you some ideas.;en-us;290227

No luck.

On IE5 there was an error file (WecErr.txt file in your TEMP folder ). You might find one on IE6.

It doesn't seem to be there.



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