--- Wade Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elihu Smails wrote:
> > I have a C based application running on the same
> box
> > as tomcat, and I want to know if I would be able
> to
> > access the shared memory segment using Java.  The
> C
> > program is setting up the shared memory using
> shmctl,
> > and not using memory mapped files.  
> > I know that Java can support reading memory mapped
> > files, but not memory that is set up using the
> shm*
> > functions in C.  Does anyone have any insight on
> this
> > issue.
> > I am hoping that JNI is not my only option.
> > 
> > 
> > thank you.
> > 
> > 
> >             
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> Yep.  JNI is your only solution.  But, JNI isn't
> hard.  You can use JNI 
> and create a wrapper class by extending ByteBuffer. 
> You might also find 
>   apache APR to be useful to help you out.  Don't
> forget either that if 
> you are going to run this application on different
> endian cpu's or 
> endian emulated OS you'll have to reverse your byte
> order.  There may 
> already be a package for doing this out there some
> where (shared memory 
> and reording at once).
> Wade
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Thanks for getting back to me :)

JNI is not that bad I agree, I just wish I could do
this without JNI.  As far as the endian issue, it will
all be on the same box, so I am OK there.  
Do you know if JDK 1.5 has any new shared memory
support in it?

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