Unfortunately this is for one of my external boxes (read have to pay ungodly
sums of money to get another block of IP addresses).

So if I set this up using mod_jk then I will have to do the following

<VirtualHost www.befordawn.com>
        DocumentRoot /var/www/htmlbeforedawn
        ErrorLog logs/beforedawn_error_log
        DirectoryIndex  index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml
        ServerAdmin root@ beforedawn.com
        # ServerName www. beforedawn.com
        ServerSignature email
        TransferLog logs/ beforedawn_access_log

<VirtualHost apps.beforedawn.com>
        DocumentRoot /var/www/appbeforedawn
        ErrorLog logs/appbeforedawn_error_log
        DirectoryIndex  index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml
        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        # ServerName apps.beforedawn.com
        ServerSignature email
        TransferLog logs/appsbeforedawn_access_log

        JKMount /apps worker1
        JKMount /apps/* worker1

<VirtualHost diagnostics.beforedawn.com>
        DocumentRoot /var/www/diagbeforedawn
        ErrorLog logs/diagbeforedawn_error_log
        DirectoryIndex  index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml
        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        # ServerName diagnostics.beforedawn.com
        ServerSignature email
        TransferLog logs/diagbeforedawn_access_log

        JKMount /diag worker1
        JKMount /diag/* worker1

Will this get me http://apps.beforedawn.com/index.jsp and

Or would I have to put a rewrite in also?  So that it would redirect any
request to http://apps.beforedawn.com/apps/index.jsp

Because I assume that the JKMount must correspond to the directory in the
webapps directory.

I am so confused on the way that mod_jk works!


On 1/13/05 4:11 PM, "Hassan Schroeder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John Martyniak wrote:
>> The server currently only has one IP address and several virtual hosts.
>> For example on this box I would to do the following:
>> Web Server:
>> Serves http://www.beforedawn.com
>> Tomcat Server:
>> http://apps.beforedawn.com/index.jsp
>> http://diagnostics.beforedawn.com/index.jsp
>> Is this possible?
> Yeah, but with only one IP you'll have to use mod_jk or mod_proxy.
> I'd say adding an IP address would be the easier setup :-)
> FWIW, this is how I run my dev box -- a couple of IP addresses for
> different versions of Tomcat and one for Apache (for the occasional
> PHP job).

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