We thought that the data from the session was being lost, but actually
the session itself is recreated with a new ID every time we go from one
jsp to the next one. I thought that tomcat manages the sessions through
cookies so I do not see how my session id and data is being lost.
By the way my project was working perfectly with tomcat 1.3 but when I
upgraded to tomcat 5 is when the session problem started.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Payne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 4:34 PM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Re: sessions do not work from homedirs and servlets do notwork
through apache

My implementation is not as complex as yours, so my suggestion may not
work for you...

We always use the request object to get access to the session both in
the servlet and the JSP (We don't use any specialized JSP tags to do
this.  We always use putAttribute to put a Serializable object on the
session in the servlet.  We always use getAttribute to retreive the
object from the session in the JSP.  The object must be Serializable.

Hope this helps in some way...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01-13-2005 11:49 >>>
Hello everyone,
I am using apache2, tomcat5.5, and jk2. I have configured my tomcat to
run from my user home directories.
Also I have configure apache to run with tomcat with jk2 through my
directories as well.
Now, I am facing two problems that are driving me crazy, here they are
in order of importance given that I have to have two project up by
tomorrow and they do not work because of these issues, please help!!!
1)       JPS sessions are working through tomcat root but not from my
homedirs. There is an example called carts under the jsp-examples in
tomcat root and it works great in there. When I tried to run this same
example inside my home directoy it does not work. UseBean drops
previously created instances of a bean. So when a new jsp tries to
parameters being passed from a previous jsp, everything is null
the session is re-created and not re-used. Please someone tell me what
is going on. My real project uses jsp session and it is not working
because all the values are reading null!!
2)       the servlets work from tomcat port 8080 through my homedirs,
but through apache. JSP work through apache though. Example) The
following works fine:  http://myserver:8080/~ccasas/servlet/hello 
<http://sp:8080/~ccasas/servlet/hello>  but I cannot make the
work: http://myserver/~ccasas/servlet/hello 
I would really appreciate your help on this, I am already going nuts.
<!--Claudia Casas-->

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