What you have here is a classic case of cut and paste by the clueless(public boolean newbie;).

This code is from the server.xml that was setup for a Global database connection pool as opposed to a pool just for the app. The person has cut and pasted it into the context file for the app which will work but the pool is only available to that app. The first ResourceParams is used for the authentication of users when using login like the manager and admin apps. If you only wanted this app to use this file and different apps to use different files you would put one in each contex xml pointing to the proper file. With some other changes.

So unless you are doing something special with your authentication this is not needed here (newbie =true;).

If you have some special setup and are using this file for just this app (newbie=false;)

I think it would be safe to remove the first part and you might think about moving the DBCP to a global one. But that of course depends on your setup and needs.

For more details:
and look at the bottom two examples.

As for the factory see:


It depends on the factory as to whether you need to declare it or not.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Hollerman Geralyn M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: <Context> question

I was recently given a new application to maitain. It uses Tomcat 5.0.16 and an Oracle database. I have used various versions of Tomcat to work with applications on two other kinds of databases, one of which uses DBCP, so I am somewhat familiar with the needed parameters and went to the Tomcat JNDI HOW-TO and the Tomcat Configuration Reference to refresh my memory on just what this was doing, but I have to admit I don't completely understand this - what I have included is the <Context>.xml file for the "new" application. What I don't understand is that first <ResourceParams> set of statements - it appears to be saying to look at the "database" of users in the tomcat-users.xml file in /conf - but why? That file hasn't been altered to contain anything but the defaults, and the person that gave me the "new" app was the one that set up Tomcat for it, so I assume its set up as needed! Also, why is there no factory in the 2nd <ResourceParams> in this file? I thought one was needed. The person that gave me this said DBCP was implemented, but I don't see how this would do it.
<Context docBase="graduate" path="/graduate">
<Resource auth="Container" name="jdbc/ConnectionPool" type="javax.sql.DataSour
<ResourceParams name="UserDatabase">
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/ConnectionPool">


Could someone please explain to me just how this is using DBCP?

Lynn Hollerman.

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