We have just upgraded our server software, running a Java application, as follows: From: IIS 4, Tomcat 4.1 - both running on same server - NT4 To: IIS 5, Tomcat 4.1 - both running on same server - Windows 2000 The application is to be available to all staff, either over the Intranet or the Internet. An issue has arisen with NTLM authentication. We extract a users domain\username details using NTLM Authentication, the code is listed at the bottom of this e-mail. This mechanism worked 100% on the old configuration. Unfortunately with the IIS server upgrade and change in OS the authentication details do not seem to be being picked up in two scenarios. 1. IE 6, unless Enable Integrated Windows Authentication is disabled. We don't really want Browser settings to affect access. 2. IE 5! (We are trying to force client sites to upgrade to IE6, but still why does the NTLM Authentication break down here?) The IIS settings are as follow: Default Web Site: Anonymous Access - OFF Basic Authentication - ON Integrated Windows Authentication - ON Jakarta Virtual Directory: Anonymous Access - ON Basic Authentication - ON Integrated Windows Authentication - ON If anyone has had any similar experiences or knows of any other mechanism to retrieve domain/username, it would be great to hear. Thanks Sue Code to Extract domain/user Details **************************************************************************** *********** String auth = request.getHeader("Authorization"); if (auth == null) { response.setStatus(response.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM"); return; } String domain = ""; String username = ""; if (auth.startsWith("NTLM ")) { byte[] msg = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(auth.substring(5)); int off = 0, length, offset; if (msg[8] == 1){ byte z = 0; byte[] msg1 = {(byte)'N', (byte)'T', (byte)'L', (byte)'M', (byte)'S', (byte)'S', (byte)'P', z,(byte)2, z, z, z, z, z, z, z,(byte)40, z, z, z, (byte)1, (byte)130, z, z,z, (byte)2, (byte)2, (byte)2, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z}; response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM " + new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encodeBuffer(msg1)); response.sendError(response.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return; } else if (msg[8] == 3) { off = 30; length = msg[off+17]*256 + msg[off+16]; offset = msg[off+19]*256 + msg[off+18]; String remoteHost = new String(msg, offset, length); length = msg[off+1]*256 + msg[off]; offset = msg[off+3]*256 + msg[off+2]; domain = new String(msg, offset, length); length = msg[off+9]*256 + msg[off+8]; offset = msg[off+11]*256 + msg[off+10]; username = new String(msg, offset, length); String employeeNTLogin = domain + "\\" + username; context.log("User NT Login: "+ employeeNTLogin + ":: " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); session.setAttribute (Constants.DATABASE, context.getAttribute(Constants.DATABASE)); Employee userEmployee=null; // 1. Get Employee Object for NT Login of User & Roles try { userEmployee = myEmployeeDAO_Pool.getDetailsByNTLogin(employeeNTLogin); } catch (DAOException daoex){ } session.setAttribute(Constants.USER_EMPLOYEE, userEmployee); etc etc **************************************************************************** ************************ ********************************************************************** ***Disclaimer*** The contents of this Email may be privileged and are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Should you wish to use Email as a mode of communication, CMi plc and its subsidiaries are unable to guarantee the security of Email content outside of our own computer systems. This footnote also confirms that this e-mail message has been swept by Mimesweeper for the presence of computer viruses. Whilst we run anti-virus software, you are solely responsible for ensuring that any e-mail or attachment you receive is virus free. We disclaim any liability for any damage you suffer as a consequence of receiving any virus. Checkmate International plc (CMi) Registered in England No 1899857 Registered Office 4th Floor, 35 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6BW Head Office Tele + 44 (0) 1993 885600 Head Office Fax + 44 (0) 1993 885603 Web Site : www.cmi-plc.com **********************************************************************