>     I've had my fair share of fun trying to use getResourceBundle
> to load a
> properties file and made basically the same discoveries you have. The
> properties file say bar.properties gets loaded as
> ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.foo.bar") and must be in
> WEB-INF/classes/org/foo/bar.properties. This is so Tomcat can find the
> properties file in the web applications classpath- otherwise it
> doesn't know
> where it is-

When I tried placing the properties file in
WEB-INF/classes/com/foo/bar/FooListResourceBundle.properties (to use the
naming convention of my example in the post) it was not found. Only when I
placed it in
$TOMCAT_HOME/classes/com/foo/bar/FooListResourceBundle.properties was it
found (but then I got the second error).


Dilbert: I *have* a personality!
Dogbert: Let's not get into that "Is zero a number" debate again.


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