On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 13:57:33 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
> I think his problem is probably linking to stylesheets and such...
> Actually, now I have to ask you... if you put *everything* under
> WEB-INF, I assume you are serving all graphics from a fronting web
> server then?  Otherwise, any document returned to the user that links
> back to a resource under WEB-INF won't be reachable, which was the crux
> of his problem as I understood it, that's why he was talking about
> includes and such all over the place.  But, if you really are serving
> everything from there, how are you doing it?  Just curious at this point :)
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> http://www.omnytex.com
> Dakota Jack wrote:
> > I don't know why you are saying that css and/or js must be placed
> > directly under "WebRoot".  Why do you?  I can give you various
> > solutions, once I find out what the problem is supposed to be.  There
> > is no issue, by the way, with putting your JSP files under WEB-INF.
> > There are other ways to protect access, but this is, I think, a good
> > one too.
> >
> > Jack

Frank, are you still interested in this?  I just noticed it.


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