Hi all,

On Jan. 22 I posted a message to this group, "?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??", where I described a problem I was having with the JSTL JARs. It seemed that when I put the JSTL JARs (standard.jar and jstl.jar) in Tomcat's shared/lib TC could not find them, contrary to the TC documentation.

I know what the problem was. It turns out it was my fault. I was using a value of CATALINA_BASE that was not the same as CATALINA_HOME. Tomcat's documentation says that "Shared/lib" is relative to CATALINA_BASE. So, I'm sorry to all you who read my post and tried to help me solve the problem. It was all my fault after all for not having read the Tomcat documentation well enough. I am sorry to those of you whose time I wasted.

I'll be more careful in the future.


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