
it is not possible to make Tomcat automatically compile and deploy your servlets.
Usually this is not necessary. If you use a good IDE, it is no great effort to compile your servlets. Deployment could be done by using an Ant script - just copy the servlet-binaries in the correct directory and reload your web application (if auto-reloading is disabled). The required Ant-tasks are included in the tomcat binaries.
The entry in web.xml must be done by hand, but you have to do that just once. So the cases where auto-compile and -deploy are required are really rare!

Best regards,


I've just installed Tomcat 5.5 and I have two main doubts and I hope
someone may help me.

1. Do I really have to compile a servlet manually using javac (or using
another tool) or may I save it in a specific folder so Tomcat compiles
it to me?

2. Do I really have to register my servlets in web.xml file or this
process can be done automatically by Tomcat?

When I did the test with jsp pages, it was not necessary compile or
register the file (Tomcat did everything to me) so I expect the same
with servlets.



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