For more information on tomcat's classloading concept have a look at:

As you can see there, Tomcat instantiates a classloader for each web application. So if you put a class - let's say "Global" - inside the "WEB-INF/classes" directory of each of two of your web applications, it will be loaded twice. As a fact, a static variable of the "Global" class - let's say Global.myVar - will exist twice too!
But if you put your "Global" class into the %TOMCAT_HOME%/shared/classes directory ONLY (important: you must remove all occurences of your "Global" class from the webapps-classes directories to make this work!), it will be loaded by the "shared"-classloader. Because of the fact that the shared classloader is the parent classloader of all webapp-classloaders, every web-application can access the classes loaded by the shared classloader.

But holding resources in static variables inside the shared/classes directory there is not recommmended! Better add a JNDI-resource to your Tomcat's JNDI-context! This is done in server.xml inside the <GlobalNamingResources>-element* *(see

Best regards,

Thanks for your reply. I think JVM rules said that there should be 1
reference per JVM for a static variable. Tomcat class loader creates
separate instance of a static variable for each webapps. I am just
trying to understand how class loader works in tomcat.


On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 06:41:29 -0500, Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Put the class in the common or shared classloader.


Anshaj Mathur wrote:

Dear group,

        I have public class which contains a static
variable type integer. I am running different webapps
inside single instance of tomcat. I initiated this
class in different webapps. I increased the count from
a webapp and tried to see it from different webapp. I
found that count was not increased in other webapp. It
was showing the original count.
Am I braking any laws of tomcat security.

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