getRequestURI() will return the encoded item but getServletPath() will have the decoded path for you (without contextPath - but in this case - you won't care about that)


Mario Winterer wrote:
Thanks David,

I think, your second suggestion will not work, because it is not possible to map a servlet or filter to "*/CVS/*". According to the servlet-specs, only filters of the form "anything/*" or "*.extension" are supported (and I really do not want to add a servlet-mapping for every single CVS directory).
I've already thought on a filter using regular expressions for filtering out certain requests. But I'm not sure if this is secure enough. Just think of "modified" request-urls using hex numbers for escaping ascii characters (e.g. ".../%43VS/..." instead of ".../CVS/..."). Are those urls normalized by tomcat, i.e. does request.getRequestURL() return ".../CVS/..." in both cases?


Just a thought or two --

1) Setup a request filter that detects when the URL contains the pattern CVS/ and redirects to a default or error page.
2) Setup a servlet mapping for any of the potential CVS URLs and have them map to a servlet that responds with an error or redirect.

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