What is the specs of the server? What memory has been allocated to Tomcat?

Are there other apps running on the same server that grindas up memory?


Hari Mailvaganam

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 12:11:59 -0600, Kiran Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a software application, which uses Tomcat 4.1.  It is database
> oriented application and it uses Access database.  There are about fifteen
> users using the same application and entering data to the database.  Tomcat
> is installed in one computer and all the users are connected to that
> computer through network.  The problem is that the application becomes
> really slow after sometime unless at certain interval I restart the Tomcat.
> Is there any better solution then restarting the server?  Any help will be
> appreciated.
> Thank you
> Kiran Patel
> Software Engineer
> Solutions Inc.

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