Hello Tomcat users and gurus (Dev too). I have been using Tomcat and some 
version of jdk for several years. Tomcat is my servlet server of choice mostly 
on Linux systems when my employers allow such things. I recently downloaded the 
lastest (yesterday) binary for Windows XP. Seeing that the new Tomcat will only 
run under the new J2SE 5.0 I downloaded and installed: jdk1.5.0_01 executable. 
After installation the old familiar Tomcat page came up as usual at: 
http://localhost:8080. What happened next is for my part inexplicable. I lost 
all ability to run any type of applet except for: file://<someapplet>.html. Any 
applets using: HTTP:// where redirected to: http://java.com with the new Java 
Logo animated sunburst in the middle of the webpage. All applets regardless of 
source: local or public IP where re-directed to: http://java.com. The remedy 
was to uninstall J2SE 5.0. Needless to say I am severely hampered by not being 
able to run Tomcat because of a wayward jdk. I have sent this problem to 
java.com contact email but so-far ignored by java.com. If anyone has any 
comments, suggestions, remedies, rants or raves please reply.

David Brown

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