I have just tested this on the latest TC4.1.x from CVS this works as stated in the docs. The output I see is:

is secure : true
port : 8080

It is possible that this is a bug that has been fixed but I don't see any changes in the archives that look relevant (I checked back to the end of 2003).

What version are you using? Can you try 4.1.31?


reynir wrote:
As I understand the documentation (and my past experience shows) you are not correct. :)
the documentation :
states :

Set this attribute to |true| if you wish to have calls to |request.isSecure()| to return |true| for requests received by this Connector (you would want this on an SSL Connector). The default value is |false|.

in short terms, this is not happening. It's not requrired to have a https schema on this connector.


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