Hi all,

I work with Tomcat 4.1.31, with the Manager, and 
I search how to stop a context without interrupting its running threads ?

When I test a stop on my Context (/testServlet), 
I see a log like this :

2005-02-08 17:37:16 HTMLManager: stop: Stopping web application at 
2005-02-08 17:37:16 StandardHost[localhost]: standardHost.stop /testServlet
2005-02-08 17:37:16 StandardWrapper[/testServlet:Fille4Servlet]: Waiting for 1 
instance(s) to be deallocated
2005-02-08 17:37:17 Fille4Servlet: destroy deFille4Servlet==>0

And all the servlets in my Context are deleted.

- If my servlet had already send datas on the response outputstream, I have a 
200 HTTP response with a truncated response,
- If my servlet had not send datas before, I can have a 500 HTTP response with 
NullPointerException, XML11Configuration not found, ...
- If I try something like that :
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws 
ServletException, IOException {
  PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
  try  {
  } catch (Exception e)
      out.println( "exception "+e+" in this servlet, so bad result!!!" );
I have an Exception on the out.println line :-(

- is there a configuration parameter, in Tomcat, that let the running threads 
of a Context to finish before stopping them ?
- if not, how to return a correctly response to the HTTP request client ?

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

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