I'm about to start moving forward on a site that I took over a couple of months back. All the hardware and configuration issues seem to be ironed out, and I am beginning to redo large portions of the site. The product portion of the site is currently html pages and not generated html pages, these are hand-coded and hand maintainted html pages. I'm targetting these for removal and redesign, since they are ugly to boot.

Anyway my questions are this. Should I start implementing pieces like load-balancing, database connection pooling, and caching, gzip output in the new pieces so that when I sweep through the rest of the code base later that I wont have to go back and redo everthing. Currently the other parts of the site are using a clumsy home brewed odbc connection to the db. And none of the connections are serialized so doing load-balancing and session sharing wont work on the old section as I have been told.

Any thoughts?

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