I'm having a bit of trouble getting isapi_redirect.dll to work and generate a 
log.  If anyone can see what step I'm missing please let me know.  I have done 
the following.  I am running a Windows Server 2003.  My Tomcat version is 
5.0.28.  My IIS version is 6.0.

  1.. In the registry I created a new registry key named 
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi 
  2.. Added a string value with the name extension_uri and a value of the full 
path to the folder containing isap_redirect.dll
  3.. Added a string value with the name log_file and a value pointing to my 
jakarta logs directory.
  4.. Added a string value with the name log_level and a value of debug
  5.. Added a string value with the name worker_file and a value which is the 
full path to my workers.properties file
  6.. Added a string value with the name worker_mount_file and a value which is 
the full path to my uriworkermap.properties file
  7.. Using the IIS management console, added a new virtual directory to my IIS 
web site. The name of the virtual directory is jakarta. Its physical path is 
the directory where I placed isapi_redirect.dll. Assigned it with execute 
  8.. Using the IIS management console, added isapi_redirect.dll as a filter in 
my IIS web site. Named it jakarta and set its executable to the full path to 
  9.. Edited "Filter DLLs" key under 
Inserted the full path to isapi_redirect.dll.
The green arrow showing activity in IIS is active for the filter.  Nothing 
comes up when going to http://localhost/example/Menu

My tomcat servlet comes up when going to http://localhost:8080/example/Menu

My workers.properties file has


My uriworkermap.properties file has


I get no logs file in the location i placed the log file or anywhere else on my 
system for isapi.

Thanks for any help.

John Gordon

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