Hello all.  I have an Ant build script for an application that stops
Tomcat if it's running, deletes the work folder for the application (so I
can ensure all JSPs get recompiled) and starts Tomcat again.  Here's the
two relevant tasks:

<target name="tomcat_cleanup">
  <delete dir="${app_base_dir}/../../work/Catalina/localhost/toa" />

<target name="start_tomcat">
  <exec executable="${catalina_home}/bin/startup.bat" os="Windows XP"
    <env key="CATALINA_HOME" value="${catalina_home}" />

app_base_dir is properly defined (I know because the work folder DOES get
deleted) pointing to the root of the webapp, as is cataline_home (because
Tomcat DOES start up).  Here's the problem... When I access the first page
on my application (index.jsp in the root of the webapp), I get the

The file or path you specified (..\..\..\\bin\bootstrap.jar) is invalid
relative to C:\tomcat
<snip - I'm beting the whole stack trace isn't important>

Anyone have any ideas?  Funny thing is, if I manually run startup.bat,
sure enough everything works perfectly as it should.  I don't get it. 
Thanks all!

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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