OK, the problem normally does not come from the driver, just try this:
from your freshly installed MySQL database, remove the test database and
also the test user from the database permissions table and from any
global user definitions, then flush-privileges and you should be ready
to go.


On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 03:01, monkiboy wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I have a weird problem to use the MySQL-connector under Linux (Debian). I 
> heard it can come from Tomcat.
> I have no problem in windows XP, all is working fine ! 
> But under Linux when I try to connect to mysql throught mysql-connector wrote 
> in a Servlet I have this message :
> Message: Invalid authorization specification message from server: "Access 
> denied for user 'root'@'monkinetwork' (using password: YES)" 
> SQLState: 28000 
> ErrorCode: 1045 
> I am Using : Tomcat 5.0.28
> MySQL-Connector version is : mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar 
> JDK Version : 1_5_0_01. Servlet-Examples and JSP works fine! So I don't think 
> the problem come from JDK. 
> MySQL version : MySQL-SERVER-4.1.9-2 : All is working under console mode ! 
> Here's My Servlet TESt1.java: 
> Code: 
> import java.io.*; 
> import javax.servlet.*; 
> import javax.servlet.http.*; 
> import java.sql.*; 
> import java.sql.DriverManager; 
> public class TEST1 extends HttpServlet { 
> public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
> throws ServletException, IOException  { 
>     response.setContentType("text/html"); 
>     PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); 
>    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/HeroDB"; 
>    String user = "root"; 
>    String password = "password"; 
> try{ 
>     Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); 
>     out.println("<br> DRIVERS JDBC : OK!"); 
>     Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password); 
>     out.println("<br> Database connection : OK!"); 
>     } 
> catch (ClassNotFoundException e) 
>       { 
>          out.println("Error with JDBC Drivers !"); 
>       } 
> catch(SQLException ex) { 
>         out.println("<br> ERROR MESSAGE <br>"); 
>    while (ex != null) { 
>                 out.println("<br>Message: " + ex.getMessage ()); 
>                 out.println("<br>SQLState: "  + ex.getSQLState ()); 
>                 out.println("<br>ErrorCode: "  + ex.getErrorCode ()); 
>                 ex = ex.getNextException(); 
>       out.println(""); 
>    } 
> } 
> } 
> } 
> AND THE HTML PAGE in order to access to the Servlet :
> Code: 
> <HTML> 
> <HEAD> 
> <TITLE>DataBase Test</TITLE> 
> </HEAD> 
> <H2 ALIGN="CENTER">DataBase TEST</H2> 
> <FORM ACTION="http://localhost:8080/TEST1";> 
> </CENTER> 
> </FORM> 
> </BODY> 
> </HTML> 
> Theses codes works very well under windows, but under linux system here what 
> I've got :
> Message: Invalid authorization specification message from server: "Access 
> denied for user 'root'@'monkinetwork' (using password: YES)" 
> SQLState: 28000 
> ErrorCode: 1045 
> Well, the web.xml file is well configured.
> Anyway : I already tried with class: org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver, but I have the 
> same message error ! 
> By the way, it's very strange that I can play with MySQL under the terminal 
> but not throught tomcat. 
> Any suggestions please , because it's giving me a very hard time ! ?
> Thank you !
> ++ 
> monkiboy

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