
the order does matter, and the order is specified in the dtd that you are using for your webapp.


Ian van der Neut wrote:

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 10:41:36 +0100, Ian van der Neut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 10:32:42 +0100, Trond G. Ziarkowski


Have you tried to move your the error-page directive to between the
<welcome-file-list> and <taglib> directives. Seem to remember this
happening to me some time ago as well.

That seems to get rid of the message, but it doesn't seem to honour
the directive, because I still get tomcats default exception
stacktrace page.

The fact that it is not honoured seems to be because of a problem in the apperror.jsp file. Moving the error-page directive before the taglib directive solves the problem indeed.

Just curious, does order matter in web.xml? If so, where is this
documented? Or is this just a bug?

Thank you very much,


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